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Writer: Evelyn McCarterEvelyn McCarter

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

David was a "man after God's own heart" because of his love for God. David's love for God wasn't out of obligation- it was out of revelation. Once Saul anointed David, he had the Spirit of God living inside of him, which gave him the revelation of who God is.

"So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on, the Spirit of the Living God came powerfully upon David ..." 1 Samuel 16:13

Through that revelation, David gained the hunger to pursue a relationship with God.

"21 Then the people asked for a king, and he gave them Saul, son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, who ruled forty years. 22 After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.' Acts 13:21-22

"David pursued the heart of God until God's heart was in David's heart. Out of David's life, the heart of God was revealed in many aspects. God described David as someone who would do everything I asked of him. David was responsive to God's requests. David's worship was not only in his songs, it was also expressed in his life." - Dale L. Mast, And David Perceived He Was King

Pursuing the heart of God was a lifelong journey that continually led David toward a more free version of himself. Simultaneously, it was a lifetime takeover of David’s heart, into every crevice and corner so that God could come in and release the gift of Himself in every way. He came in as the Love Conqueror so that his son could willingly and completely love Him in return. There is such beauty in that transaction along with overflowing, unconditional love that we will spend the rest of our lives attempting to understand. That transaction also awakens a response of awe, overwhelming gratitude, and curiosity of who this Father is and how we can know more of Him. Hence, what happened in King David. It wasn’t just knowledge filling a shelf in his heart, but instead revelation changing the manner of his heart. Just like revelation will cause action, so will true love cause action.

King David said "yes" to God over and over again because of his love for Him. It is much more likely for us to say "yes" to someone we know and love. I strive to know and love God as David did. And we can because we have Holy Spirit (the Spirit of the living God) living inside of us. And you know what? He doesn’t need to take vacation from living inside of you—He stays! Where He is welcomed, He dwells. He inhabits, and He loves. We have the same capability as King David!

God loved King David's love for Him. God loves when his children spend time with him out of their own desire to simply be with Him. He loves you, and He wants to be in relationship with you. He wants your love, simply like a good father longs to be loved by his children.


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